nona_wolf posted on instagram

هل يظن عقلك الصغير ذو الحجم الزيتوني بأن الشوارع والكواكب والبحار والطيور والحيوانات ستقف دقيقة صمت حزينه وبائسه بسبب تغيرك أو رحيلك
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#girl #luffy #zoro #levi #fairytail #deathnote #bleach
#naruto #انمي #اوتاكو #شوجو #رومانسي #خواطر #حزين #اشعار #otaku #noragami #magi
#killua by nona_wolf

stephenhawking1982 posted on instagram

#Galaxy 1068 is shown in #visible light and X-rays in this #composite image. High-energy X-rays (magenta) captured by NASA’s #Nuclear #Spectroscopic #Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, are overlaid on visible-#light images from both NASA’s Hubble #Space Telescope and the Sloan #Digital #Sky Survey. The X-ray light is coming from an #active supermassive black hole, also known as a #quasar, in the #center of the galaxy. This supermassive black hole has been extensively studied due to its relatively #close proximity to our #galaxy. NGC 1068 is about 47 million light-years away in the #constellation Cetus.
The #supermassive black hole is also one of the #most obscured known, blanketed by thick #clouds of gas and dust. NuSTAR’s #high-#energy #X-ray #view is the first to penetrate the #walls of this #blackhole’s hidden #lair.

Image Credit: #NASA/JPL,#stephenhawking1982 by stephenhawking1982

collectiveinsight posted on instagram

Behold the Leo triplet. Three spiral galaxy each comparable in size to our own Milky Way and within close proximity to each other. According to NASA this trio is 30 million lightyears distant and the field of this image spans 500,000 lightyear.

#space #astronomy #cosmology #spaceexploration #fact #facts #learning #leotriplet #wisdom #carlsagan #neildegrassetyson #billnye #followforfollow #nasa #esa #astrophotography #physics #distance #perspective #einstein #alberteinstein #solarsystem #milkyway #newhorizons #earth #collectiveinsight #scale #cosmos #nature #galaxy by collectiveinsight

gordomcfly86 posted on instagram

I don’t know where this voyage will take us, but I’m thinking this sex will save us, I think we should definitely take turns, and wake up the neighbors, and make some room in this galaxy for you to yell.
#np #nasa #reneard #confession #of #a #virgo #dope #rnb #galaxy #love #art #outer #space #so #you #can #yell #music by gordomcfly86

shesi_azaria posted on instagram

Member @shesi_azaria dr berbagai pelosok indonesia bahkan di luar negara .. dr berbagai kalangan profesi dan kegiatan, asal tidak gengsi mau di ajarin dan mau belajar serta fokus KAMU PASTI BISA !!
Ayo join sekarang di ajarin sampai BISA!!
Bbm :7C01BBDF
Line: sesiasmara30

#azaria #myazaria #myazariabeauty #azariajakarta #azariamedan #azariakediri #azariamakassar #olshop #olshopindo #agneta #nuskin #nasa #glucolamci #nanospray #biospray #jafraskincare #jafra #moment #momentinfinity #oriflame #meliasehatsejahtera #glucogen #propolis #skincare #promoteolshop #iklan #bisnisrumahan #bisnisonline by shesi_azaria