fitfate posted on instagram

#Repost @thehubblescope ・・・
Herbig-Haro 24
„Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.“
This might look like a double-bladed lightsaber, but these two cosmic jets actually beam outward from a newborn star in a galaxy near you. Constructed from Hubble Space Telescope image data, the stunning scene spans about half a light-year across Herbig-Haro 24 (HH 24), some 1,300 light-years or 400 parsecs away in the stellar nurseries of the Orion B molecular cloud complex. Hidden from direct view, HH 24’s central protostar is surrounded by cold dust and gas flattened into a rotating accretion disk. As material from the disk falls toward the young stellar object it heats up.
#amazing #astronomy #beauty #beautiful #bible #bibletext #cosmos #constellation #creation #galaxy #hubble #hubbletelescope #interstellar #nature #nasa #instadaily #instagood #space #universe #scripture #wonder #cosmology #science #instaspace by fitfate

gleissebio posted on instagram

Para os amantes de #starwars #Repost @bbcbrasil with @repostapp
Bom dia! A Nasa também entrou firme na onda de #StarWars, aproveitando o lançamento do novo filme da série. Em sua conta de Instagram (@Nasa), a agência espacial americana postou uma imagem feita pelo seu telescópio espacial Hubble de o que diz parecer “um sabre de luz com duas lâminas, a tempo do lançamento de ‚Star Wars‘ (o filme teve estreia mundial nesta semana).“ Mas, acrescenta agência espacial americana, “esse sabre de luz celestial não reside em uma galáxia muito, muito distante, mas sim em nossa galáxia-mãe, a Via Láctea“. #starwars #nasa #vialáctea #starwarsdespertardaforça #starwarstheforceawakens #milkyway #sabredeluz #lightsaber by gleissebio

fantastic_universe posted on instagram

Photo by Unknown
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#universe #earth #milkyway #astrophotography #space #astronaut #nasa #astrography #stars #nebula #fantastic_universe #sky #amazing #milkyway #galaxy #milky #way by fantastic_universe

rah_360 posted on instagram

Herbig-Haro 24
Two cosmic jets actually beam outward from a newborn star in a galaxy near us. Constructed from Hubble Space Telescope image data, the stunning scene spans about half a light-year across Herbig-Haro 24 (HH 24), some 1,300 light-years or 400 parsecs away in the stellar nurseries of the Orion B molecular cloud complex.

Hidden from direct view, HH 24’s central protostar is surrounded by cold dust and gas flattened into a rotating accretion disk. As material from the disk falls toward the young stellar object it heats up. Opposing jets are blasted out along the system’s rotation axis. Cutting through the region’s interstellar matter, the narrow, energetic jets produce a series of glowing shock fronts along their path.
Info and photo via APOD #space #nasa #HH24  by rah_360

thehubblescope posted on instagram

Herbig-Haro 24
„Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.“
This might look like a double-bladed lightsaber, but these two cosmic jets actually beam outward from a newborn star in a galaxy near you. Constructed from Hubble Space Telescope image data, the stunning scene spans about half a light-year across Herbig-Haro 24 (HH 24), some 1,300 light-years or 400 parsecs away in the stellar nurseries of the Orion B molecular cloud complex. Hidden from direct view, HH 24’s central protostar is surrounded by cold dust and gas flattened into a rotating accretion disk. As material from the disk falls toward the young stellar object it heats up.
#amazing #astronomy #beauty #beautiful #bible #bibletext #cosmos #constellation #creation #galaxy #hubble #hubbletelescope #interstellar #nature #nasa #instadaily #instagood #space #universe #scripture #wonder #cosmology #science #instaspace by thehubblescope

pusakawanitaku posted on instagram

Mengaktifkan dan melenturkan kembali selaput vagina. Memperlancar sekresi pada dinding vagina yang dapat meningkatkan gairah seksual atau daya rangsang.Mencegah dan menyembuhkan keputihan / kekuningan (celana bersih tanpa noda) Menyempitkan dan menambah daya cengkeram Miss V „seperti“ kembali perawan.Menyembuhkan iritasi di selaput Miss V (rasa perih)Menghilangkan bau tak sedap di Miss VMempertahankan pH alami sehingga dapat menyuburkan bakteri baik dan mencegah tumbuhnya pathogenMembunuh kuman, jamur dan bakteri yang merugikanMembersihkan kerak dan kotoran di selaput Miss VMembuat aroma vagina menjadi lebih menyegarkanMengatasi masalah keturunanMencegah dan mengatasi kista, myom, kanker, dll.

Jadi sekarang ini bukan jamannya pria memperbesar dan memperpanjang, tetapi membuat wanita seperti gadis atau seperti perawan lagi.
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Line: syifasvb

#nasa#nasacristax#cristalxnasa#cristalx#cx#sabunlulur#zayma#nasagrece#baubadan#kankerseviks#cristalxoriginal#cristalxasli#keputihan#baubadan#solusikeputihan#kankerpayudara#aylabreastcare#payudaraturun#payudarakencang#kulitmulus#kulitcantik #collagen#nutrisikulit#kulitbersih#kulitwajah#pembersihrahim#pembersihkandungan#penyuburrahim#pemutihwajah by pusakawanitaku