cheche_ratna posted on instagram

Ini MIMI anakq yg CANTIK tiap hari MINUM & MASKER GLUBER RY Juga yg SEMANGAT MEM BIMBING MEMBER“x sampai MENGERTI & PAHAM makanya jangan salah Pilih UPLINE ya… agr BONUS“LANCAR MENGALIR PADA ANDA….Dg hanya 168rb , ANDA bs berbisnis .. jk ACC PM
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luisamiamag posted on instagram

Closeup… #moonlight #moonporn #moonlovers #moonshine #moon_of_the_day #moon_awards #moonpictures #moon #lunadesderd #rd #lunacreciente #luna #skyporn #sky #skylovers #skywatcher #sky_shot #skyatnight #universo #universe #astronomy #astronomia #astrofotografia #astrophotography #astrophoto #cosmos #nasa #oriontelescopes #orionskyquestxt8 @astrodom1 @oriontelescopes by luisamiamag

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luisamiamag posted on instagram

Closeup… #moonlight #moonporn #moonlovers #moonshine #moon_of_the_day #moon_awards #moonpictures #moon #lunadesderd #rd #lunacreciente #luna #skyporn #sky #skylovers #skywatcher #sky_shot #skyatnight #universo #universe #astronomy #astronomia #astrofotografia #astrophotography #astrophoto #cosmos #nasa #oriontelescopes #orionskyquestxt8 @astrodom1 @oriontelescopes by luisamiamag

ebmattar posted on instagram

الأرض و كما تظهر من موقع مداري قريب من سطح القمر، تم إلتقاطها عبر المركبة الفضائية (الأستطلاع) التي تدور حول القمر، و التي تم إطلاقها عام ٢٠٠٩. و كما يظهر في الصورة سطح القمر و الأرض بأكملها. المركبة الفضائية الإكتشافية (الإستطلاع) تدور في حلقة مدراية حول القمر و قد صورت عبر ٧ عدسات تصوير العديد من الصور للأبحاث و الدراسات عن القمر … الصورة من موقع ناسا … Earth as it appears from the lunar horizon … so beautiful image .. #Nasa #Earth #space #Moon
nasa’s photo by ebmattar

cleanlife_mama posted on instagram

Repost from @nasa using @RepostRegramApp – Our Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter recently captured a unique view of Earth from the spacecraft’s vantage point in orbit around the moon. Seen in this composite image, we see Earth appear to rise over the lunar horizon from the viewpoint of the spacecraft, with the center of the Earth just off the coast of Liberia. On the moon, we get a glimpse of the crater Compton, which is located just beyond the eastern limb of the moon, on the lunar farside.

LRO was launched on June 18, 2009, and has collected a treasure trove of data with its seven powerful instruments, making an invaluable contribution to our knowledge about the moon. LRO experiences 12 earthrises every day; however the spacecraft is almost always busy imaging the lunar surface so only rarely does an opportunity arise such that its camera instrument can capture a view of Earth.

Image credit: NASA/Goddard/Arizona State University
#nasa #space #moon #earth #science #astronomy #lro #lunar #earthrise by cleanlife_mama

splitmind19 posted on instagram

Reflections on the 1970s 
Image Credit: Jimmy Walker
 The 1970s are sometimes ignored by astronomers, like this beautiful grouping of reflection nebulae in Orion – NGC 1977, NGC 1975, and NGC 1973 – usually overlooked in favor of the substantial glow from the nearby stellar nursery better known as the Orion Nebula. Found along Orion’s sword just north of the bright Orion Nebula complex, these reflection nebulae are also associated with Orion’s giant molecular cloud about 1,500 light-years away, but are dominated by the characteristic blue color of interstellar dust reflecting light from hot young stars. In this sharp color image a portion of the Orion Nebula appears along the bottom border with the cluster of reflection nebulae at picture center. NGC 1977 stretches across the field just below center, separated from NGC 1973 (above right) and NGC 1975 (above left) by dark regions laced with faint red emission from hydrogen atoms. Taken together, the dark regions suggest to many the shape of a running man.
#space #stellar #stars #nasa #iss #galaxy #galaxies #hubble #spitzer #telescope #planets #universe #milkway #nebula #cosmic #comet #ESA #ESO #saturn #mars #venus by splitmind19