NASA Langley and the Space Race

NASA Langley and the Space Race Neil Armstrong trained for the Apollo 11 mission at NASA Langley’s Lunar Landing Research Facility on equipment that cancelled all but one-sixth of Earth’s gravitational force. Armstrong offered perhaps the greatest tribute to the importance of his training when asked what it was like to land on the moon, replying, „Like Langley.“ via NASA

Looking Back: Aircraft Engineering Research Conference at Langley’s Full Scale Tunnel, 1934

Looking Back: Aircraft Engineering Research Conference at Langley’s Full Scale Tunnel, 1934 This year, NASA is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the agency’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. In Langley’s early years of crafting flight, aviation pioneers flocked to the center for engineering conferences. This photo was taken in Langley’s Full Scale Tunnel during the 1934 Aircraft Engineering Research Conference. via NASA

Lakes and Rivers Have Ice, Too

Lakes and Rivers Have Ice, Too On May 29, 2017, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image of ice covering the Amundsen Gulf, Great Bear Lake, and numerous small lakes in the northern reaches of Canada’s Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Icy lakes and rivers make a significant footprint on the Arctic landscape. via NASA

Vice President Mike Pence Visits Kennedy Space Center

Vice President Mike Pence Visits Kennedy Space Center Vice President Mike Pence addresses NASA employees, Thursday, July 6, 2017, at the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Cape Canaveral, Florida. via NASA

This Week in NASA History: Apollo AS-203 Launches — July 5, 1966

This Week in NASA History: Apollo AS-203 Launches — July 5, 1966 This week in 1966, the AS-203 rocket launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. The Apollo AS-203 mission was an uncrewed test of the vehicle’s second stage, the S-IVB stage, and the instrument unit of the Saturn V to obtain flight information under orbital conditions. via NASA

Happy Fourth of July From the Space Station

Happy Fourth of July From the Space Station NASA astronauts Jack Fischer and Peggy Whitson celebrated the Fourth of July from over 250 miles above Earth on the International Space Station. Fischer shared this photo on social media and said, „We sometimes have issues standing up straight, but we have no problems at all showing our American pride-Happy 4th!“ via NASA