Astronauts Kate Rubins and Jeff Williams Prepare For a Spacewalk

Astronauts Kate Rubins and Jeff Williams Prepare For a Spacewalk Expedition 48 crew members Kate Rubins (left) and Jeff Williams (right) of NASA outfit spacesuits inside of the Quest airlock aboard the International Space Station. Rubins and Williams will conduct a spacewalk on Friday, Aug. 19, 2016, to install a new docking port that will enable the future arrival of U.S. commercial crew spacecraft. via NASA

Site of 2016 Summer Olympic Games Viewed by NASA’s MISR Instrument

Site of 2016 Summer Olympic Games Viewed by NASA’s MISR Instrument The Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument aboard NASA’s Terra satellite passed directly over Rio de Janeiro on Aug. 2, 2016, just prior to the opening of the Summer Olympic Games. On the left is an image from MISR’s nadir camera; on the right, a map of aerosol optical depth. via NASA

Infrared Saturn Clouds

Infrared Saturn Clouds This false-color view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft shows clouds in Saturn’s northern hemisphere. The view was made using images taken by Cassini’s wide-angle camera on July 20, 2016, using a combination of spectral filters sensitive to infrared light at 750, 727 and 619 nanometers. via NASA

Neil Armstrong in NASA Ames‘ Bell X-14 Aircraft

Neil Armstrong in NASA Ames‘ Bell X-14 Aircraft Neil A. Armstrong is photographed in the cockpit of the Ames Bell X-14 aircraft at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5, 1930. via NASA

Curiosity’s Arm Over ‚Marimba‘ Target on Mount Sharp

Curiosity’s Arm Over ‚Marimba‘ Target on Mount Sharp NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover began close-up investigation of a target called „Marimba,“ on lower Mount Sharp, during the week preceding the fourth anniversary of the mission’s dramatic sky-crane landing. via NASA

Astronauts Test Orion Docking Hatch For Future Missions

Astronauts Test Orion Docking Hatch For Future Missions Engineers and astronauts conducted testing in a representative model of the Orion spacecraft at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston to gather the crew’s feedback on the design of the docking hatch and on post-landing equipment operations. via NASA

Field Testing NASA’s New Carbon-Dioxide Measuring Instrument

Field Testing NASA’s New Carbon-Dioxide Measuring Instrument A team of NASA scientists and engineers is poised to realize a lifetime goal: building an instrument powerful and accurate enough to gather around-the-clock global atmospheric carbon-dioxide (CO2) measurements from space. Developers of the CO2 Sounder Lidar instrument snapped this photo during a field campaign over California and Nevada. via NASA