Good Morning From the International Space Station

Good Morning From the International Space Station NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shared this photograph on social media, taken from the International Space Station on Sept. 10, 2015. Kelly wrote, „#GoodMorning Texas! Great view of you, the #moon , and #Venus this morning. #YearInSpace“ via NASA

International Space Station Transits the Sun

International Space Station Transits the Sun This composite image made from five frames shows the International Space Station, with a crew of nine onboard, in silhouette as it transits the sun at roughly 5 miles per second, Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015. via NASA

Hubble Peers into the Heart of a Galactic Maelstrom

Hubble Peers into the Heart of a Galactic Maelstrom This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows Messier 96, a spiral galaxy just over 35 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo (The Lion). It is the nearest group containing both bright spirals and a bright elliptical galaxy (Messier 105). via NASA

Rocks Here Sequester Some of Mars‘ Early Atmosphere

Rocks Here Sequester Some of Mars‘ Early Atmosphere This view combines information from two instruments on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to map color-coded composition over the shape of the ground in a small portion of the Nili Fossae plains region of Mars‘ northern hemisphere. via NASA