TWISTED by Jay Cheel

In 1996, an urban legend was born when the Can-View Drive-In was hit by a tornado during a screening of the movie Twister. The story spread throughout town and the unbelievable event was covered by national media. But what’s most amazing is … it might not have happened.

„TWISTED“ is this week’s Staff Pick Premiere! Read more about it here:

WebHosting von Host Europe

Paralys by Is This It

A short horror film visualizing the experience of a sleep paralysis.

Directed by John Boisen & Björn Fävremark
With Sofia Westberg, Maria Milovac, Rickard Sjöberg

Film portfolio:

Produced by Judith Katzeff
DOP Hans Johansson
Gaffer Luisa Fanciullacci
FAD Philip Esse
Make-up Sofia Bothén Wilks
Special effects make-up Anders Muammar
Costume designer Pernilla Sandström
Visual effects Jonas Gramming / Tussilago
Concept art Oscar Bodin
Casting Madeleine Edling
Sound mix Auditory
Soundtrack by Abdulla Rashim

Part of The Swedish Film Institute’s “It’s Alive”
A co-production with Film Väst
© Is This It AB 2016-2017

DISORDER by Filipe Zapelini

A skateboard project by Will Dias written and directed by Filipe Zapelini

The crowd is his element, as the air is that of birds and water of fishes. His passion and his profession are to become one flesh with the crowd. […] To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world—impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define. The spectator is a prince who everywhere rejoices in his incognito.“ (Charles Baudelaire).

This condition allowed Will to walk the streets with no apparent purpose, but secretly aware of the history of the places where he passed and the possibility of aesthetic adventures that every detail of the city – his architecture – represents. In the era of Liquid Modernity, Will moves over his skating across the metropolis like a fish in a river, ignoring divisions and barriers, taking forms, occupying spaces, diluting certainties, beliefs and practices.

„If a tree falls in the forest and no one is near to hear, does it make any noise?“ This is a fundamental question for a philosophical and mental experiment that raises doubts about observation and knowledge of reality.

If Will was not realized this work would exist? It is in this context that Filipe Zapelini becomes essential – without his gaze „the essence of this reality would not have been perceived by reason.“

by Francis Bacon.


Starring: Will Dias
Director: Filipe Zapelini
Cinematographer: Mika Altskan
Photographer: Ricardo Napoli
Illustration and Animation: Guilherme Arduin and Marcello Akira
Motion Graphics: Rafa Cézar
Edit: Filipe Zapelini
Colored: Sid Pires
Curator: Francis Bacon
Producer: Jacob Gottlieb
Soundtrack: Fantasia, 1940 and Zimbo Trio, 1964
Sound Design: Thiago Gautério


C.J Ahlgren
Fernando Branco
Francis Bacon
Gabriel Honzik
Guilherme Krolow
Jacob Gottlieb
Juliana Vargas
Lennon Vallinas
Licia Arosteguy
Marcello Akira
Mika Altskan
Rafa Cézar
Raul Carrasco
Ricardo Napoli
Rodrigo Pires
Santa Transmedia
Sommwhere Gallery


To optimize your experience,you can use headset and light free environment with fullscreen resolution.

Superposition is an experimental short film. “Superposition“ is actually the “quantum theory that describes a challenging concept about the nature and behavior of matter and forces at the sub-atomic level. The principle of superposition claims that while we do not know what the state of any object is, it is actually in all possible states simultaneously, as long as we don’t look to check. It is the measurement itself that causes the object to be limited to a single possibility”. In the film, the character desires to break that possibility, she experienced it infinitely but the chances of her breaking single possibility are equal to herself. Every time she is born, she becomes conscious all over again and she doesn’t even know who she is and what she has to do. She is part of the environment but she just doesn’t want to be. She lives in pure white and just wants to live in a little bit of grey. However, if you live in a world where the answers are obvious, a little bit of grey can change the whole picture. One day when you look for the place you last put your key, the universe might collapse until you find it.

MUSİC – Rafael Anton Irisarri – A Fragile Geography – Empire Systems

BEATRICE by Fabrica

Beatrice racconta la storia della campionessa di scherma Bebe Vio. Beatrice Vio tira di scherma da quando aveva cinque anni; allora lo faceva stando in piedi, e adesso lo fa da seduta. All’età di dodici anni le sono stati amputati tutti gli arti a causa della meningite, ma ciò non l’ha fermata nel continuare a praticare lo sport che ama diventando campionessa del mondo a soli diciannove anni. Con il sostegno e la determinazione della sua famiglia, ha sfidato ogni limitazione e aspettativa. Beatrice è portavoce e testimonial di campagne di vaccinazione contro la meningite e fondatrice di Art4Sport, un’associazione che offre ai bambini che hanno subìto amputazioni le protesi necessarie per poter continuare a fare sport.

Director: Lorena Alvarado
Screenwriting: Karen Oetling
Production: Chiara Codognotto Cappuzzo
DOP: Shek Po Kwan
Edit: Karen Oetling & Lorena Alvarado
Camera: Mattia Mura
Color Grading: Kendra Sanders
Sound Design & Music: Antti L.S. Ikonen
Voice over recording: Lorenzo Vio
Voice over editor: Elda Olivieri

In collaborazione con:
Comitato Italiano Paralimpico Veneto
art4sport ONLUS
Arte Ortopedica
Hotel LA Residence & Idrokinesis ​

Un ringraziamento a:
Alessandro Favaron, Laura Sans, Giorgia De Luca,
Juan Pablo R. Valadez, Ena Alvarado, Luca Dalmastri, Famiglia Vio

„Hi, It’s Your Mother“- Stop Motion Short by Daniel Sterlin-Altman

A stop-motion short by Daniel Sterlin-Altman.

„Hilarious and refreshing“ – The Concordian
„not unlike David Lynch’s ‚Blue Velvet'“ – Ars Independent Festival

Mum’s calling, and Lisa isn’t pleased. „Hi, It’s Your Mother“ is a shocking tragi-comedic stop motion short about family and blood(y) ties.

(French subtitled version:
Facebook page:

*Winner* Grand Jury Prize- TAIS Animation Showcase, 2017, Canada
*Winner* Prix du public/ Audience Award Best Short Film, Image+nation LGBT Festival du Film Montreal-2016
*Winner* Best Academic Film, Festival Stop Motion Montreal- 2016
*The Concordia University Stop Motion Award, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema- 2016
*Best Screenwriting Award, Concordia Film Festival- 2016
*Nomination for Best Production Design Award, Concordia Film Festival- 2016

Select Screenings (Full list:
Official Selection- Sardinia Queer Short Film Festival, 2017, Italy
Official Selection- TWIST: Seattle Queer Film Festival, 2017, USA
Official Selection- Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival, 2017, USA
Official Selection- Stuff MX Film Festival, 2017, Mexico
Official Selection- Linoleum International Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival, 2017, Ukraine
Official Selection- Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film Festival, 2017, Canada
Official Selection- NewFest, 2017, USA
Official Selection- Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival, 2017, Switzerland
Official Selection- QUEER-STREIFEN, 2017, Germany
Official Selection- Queer Film Festival MEZIPATRA, 2017
Official Selection- Cinema Queer Intl Film Festival Stockholm, 2017, Sweden
Official Selection- Korea Queer Film Festival, 2017, South Korea
Official Selection- TAIS Animation Showcase, 2017, ON Canada
Official Selection- Fantasia Film Fest, 2017, QC Canada
Official Selection- Nonplussed Fest, 2017, USA
Official Selection- Vienna Independent Shorts, 2017, Austria
Special Screening- Annecy Animation Festival, 2017, France
Official Selection- Connecticut LGBT Film Festival, 2017, USA
Official Selection- Outfest Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival, 2017, USA
Official Selection- OUT HERE NOW: The Kansas City LGBT Film Festival, 2017, USA
Official Selection- Fest Anca International Animation Festival, 2017, Slovakia
Official Selection- Athens Animest, 2017, Greece
Official Selection- The Torino LGBTQI Film Festival, 2017, Italy
Official Selection- The Norwegian Short Film Festival, 2017, Norway
Official Selection- Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, 2017, Germany
Official Selection- Anima Brussels, 2017, Belgium
Official Selection- Image+Nation Film Festival, 2016, QC Canada
Official Selection- Les Sommets du cinema d’animation, 2016, QC Canada
Official Selection- UK Jewish Film Festival, 2016, UK
Official Selection- LesGaisCineMad Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT de Madrid, 2016, Spain
Official Selection- International Animated Film Festival KROK, 2016, Russia
Official Selection- Mix Copenhagen LGBT Film Festival, 2016, Denmark
Official Selection- Festival Stop Motion Montreal. 2016, Canada- WINNER of Best Academic Film Award
Official Selection- Ottawa International Animation Festival, 2016, Canada
Official Selection- Ars Independent Festival, 2016, Poland
Official Selection- „Midnight Madness“ Guanajuato International Film Festival, 2016, Mexico
Official Selection- Pinx Festival, 2016, Belgium


Voiced by Naomi L., Elie Waitzer
Sound Design by Sylvain Paradis
Music Composition by Joshua Bucchi
Music mix by Rebekah Wineman
Sound mix by Matthew Lederman
Supervised by Shira Avni

©Daniel Sterlin-Altman 2016
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema- Concordia University

Supported by:
The Fine Arts Student Alliance (FASA)
Concordia Council for Student Life (CCSL)

Winter’s Watch by Brian Bolster

Located ten miles off the coast of mainland New England, the Oceanic Hotel is the grand, yet far-from-modern home to the thousands of guests who brave the choppy seas to visit during the warmer spring and summer months. Off-season, the hotel and the 43-acre Star Island on which it sits is home to one woman – its winter caretaker who braves the colder, darker months of inclement weather by embracing the solitude and finding inspiration, and life, in what would otherwise be considered the ‘bones’ of winter.

2017 Festivals:

Big Sky Documentary Film Festival
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival
AFI Docs
Palms Springs International ShortFest
Sidewalk Film Festival
Nevada City Film Festival
Camden International Film Festival
Big Eddy Film Festival
Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival
New Hampshire Film Festival (Winner, NH Film of the Year Award)
Denver Film Festival
Glimmerglass Film Days
DOC NYC (Jury Special Mention)