GALAXIES Vol. II: wonders of the winter night skies – 4K by Adrien Mauduit Films

As the days shorten and the darkness progressively eats away the light, an amazing transformation happens in the northern hemisphere skies. A lot of astronomers and stargazers prefer summertime to look up at the stars, probably because conditions are better and the brightest part of our own galaxy, the milky way is more visible, even with the naked eye. Although fainter, the ‘winter’ part of the milky way and the rest of the winter sky harbor countless unsuspected gems, if one knows how to find and capture them! 

In the late Fall, you can still get a glimpse at the bright core of our galaxy sink down under the horizon just after sunset, along with its dark hydrogen gas lanes, Lagoon and trifid nebulae, and Saturn. Later, you can catch Scutum (shield constellation) and its dark nebulosity set in the south west/west. In the movie, this part is visible in many scenes but my favorite one is by far as it sets on La Palma shores behind a thunderstorm accompanied by red sprites, airglow and zodiacal lights.Then, take a peek at one of my favorite areas of the winter sky: the Swan constellation. I presented it to you (also on the cover), so that you can see it from different perspectives, but the best is probably at a narrower angle to show the beautiful magenta colors of the H-alpha emission nebulae (North-American, Pelican, Sadr region or IC 1396). I also included a scene where the ‘Summer Triangle’ of Cygnus (formed by Deneb, Sadr, Delta Cygni, and Gienah) is photobombed by an overhead aurora borealis. Continuing along the winter milky way, I included a shot of the Heart and Soul nebula. Rising on the other side of the hemisphere, we are now looking at the outer edge of our galaxy, where very little light comes from fewer stars, nebulae and dark clouds (in comparison to the core!). I wanted to show you a very novel scene combining the hot Pleiades stars reflecting their blue light onto passing gasses and the California nebula glowing blood red! The next area I want to emphasize is winter’s most emblematic: Orion. I wanted to maximize the different colors and brightness this constellation has to offer while shooting it in a series of single shots: the orange of Betelgeuse and the blue of Rigel, the gigantic red-glowing Barnard’s loop, the inevitable shell-like Orion nebula along with the running man nebula, the horse-head nebula, the flame nebula, Lambda Orionis nebula… Further away from the winter milky way doesn’t mean dull at all, au contraire! Look at the magnificent Andromeda galaxy (M31), the size of 6 full moons- rise above the tree line! What about the iconic Big Dipper being photobombed by some pillars of Icelandic and Canadian aurora borealis? What about these iridescent marbles at the very start of the video? Those are twinkling Sirius, Capella (bottom left) and Vega (upper right) emphasized by the real-time out-of-focus setting to reveal the hypnotic shift in light and colors of these twinkling stars created by our own atmosphere! You will probably miss a lot of night sky events if you only watch the video once! Don’t blink, you might miss a lot of meteors (Perseids, Orionids, Draconids, Leonids…), iridium flares, low-orbit satellites, red sprites. What about those satellites that seem to ‘follow’ each other in some deep-sky scenes? Those are geosynchronous satellites normally hovering over a fixed point of the Earth, but the motion of the star tracker allows them to move whereas the sky is now immobile. I am sure professionals and amateurs will spot many more features, all you have to do is sit back and gaze! 

The goal of this series of astro-lapses ‘Galaxies’ and especially this second opus was a way for me to push the limits of single astrophotography. However beautiful and numerous they are, wide-angle shots of the milky way moving against a foreground became less interesting to me as I got to shoot more and more astro-timelapses. I became more interested in exploring the possibilities that modern lenses, sensors and techniques could give, so I started using medium-format and astromodfication to take advantage of a wider light spectrum and show the red colors of H-alpha emission nebulae that are so ubiquitous in the winter part of the sky. I also wanted to improve the quality of the shots, so I used a square light pollution filter for shots at more than 50mm (Lonely Speck’s Pure Night LP filter), and a star tracker for some of the scenes to increase sharpness and details (Vixen Polarie). It was very important for me to prove that deep-sky time-lapses can be very interesting and successful, whether they hold a foreground or not, because so many things can be happening the sky (airglow, meteors, satellites, haze giving a temporary glow to the stars…). All shots have been recorded over the past year and in different countries (France, Switzerland, Spain, Iceland, Denmark and Canada). I will gladly give more details upon request. Thanks a lot for watching!

TREE9 – Ma Ydoum Hal (2017) by Hugo de Faucompret

„Ma Ydoum Hal“ fait partie de „Wra hdoud al saed“, premier EP 5 titres du groupe TREE9
disponible sur Bandcamp :

// Musique : TREE9 – Nébil Mannai, Mathieu Schmitt, Tanguy Jouanjan et Tarek Maaroufi
Instagram :
// Ingénieur du son : Thomas Lascoux
// Réalisation : Hugo de Faucompret – Clip en animation 2D, 100% autoproduit
Vimeo : – Tumblr :

Enjoy !

The Defector | by Scott Mannion by scott mannion

The Cold War’s greatest unsolved mystery: in 1967 Prime Minister Holt disappeared without a trace. His body was never found. Find out what really happened, and witness his last days in office through this tense conspiracy thriller. Enjoy, my friends -Scott

TWISTED by Jay Cheel

In 1996, an urban legend was born when the Can-View Drive-In was hit by a tornado during a screening of the movie Twister. The story spread throughout town and the unbelievable event was covered by national media. But what’s most amazing is … it might not have happened.

„TWISTED“ is this week’s Staff Pick Premiere! Read more about it here:

Paralys by Is This It

A short horror film visualizing the experience of a sleep paralysis.

Directed by John Boisen & Björn Fävremark
With Sofia Westberg, Maria Milovac, Rickard Sjöberg

Film portfolio:

Produced by Judith Katzeff
DOP Hans Johansson
Gaffer Luisa Fanciullacci
FAD Philip Esse
Make-up Sofia Bothén Wilks
Special effects make-up Anders Muammar
Costume designer Pernilla Sandström
Visual effects Jonas Gramming / Tussilago
Concept art Oscar Bodin
Casting Madeleine Edling
Sound mix Auditory
Soundtrack by Abdulla Rashim

Part of The Swedish Film Institute’s “It’s Alive”
A co-production with Film Väst
© Is This It AB 2016-2017

DISORDER by Filipe Zapelini

A skateboard project by Will Dias written and directed by Filipe Zapelini

The crowd is his element, as the air is that of birds and water of fishes. His passion and his profession are to become one flesh with the crowd. […] To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world—impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define. The spectator is a prince who everywhere rejoices in his incognito.“ (Charles Baudelaire).

This condition allowed Will to walk the streets with no apparent purpose, but secretly aware of the history of the places where he passed and the possibility of aesthetic adventures that every detail of the city – his architecture – represents. In the era of Liquid Modernity, Will moves over his skating across the metropolis like a fish in a river, ignoring divisions and barriers, taking forms, occupying spaces, diluting certainties, beliefs and practices.

„If a tree falls in the forest and no one is near to hear, does it make any noise?“ This is a fundamental question for a philosophical and mental experiment that raises doubts about observation and knowledge of reality.

If Will was not realized this work would exist? It is in this context that Filipe Zapelini becomes essential – without his gaze „the essence of this reality would not have been perceived by reason.“

by Francis Bacon.


Starring: Will Dias
Director: Filipe Zapelini
Cinematographer: Mika Altskan
Photographer: Ricardo Napoli
Illustration and Animation: Guilherme Arduin and Marcello Akira
Motion Graphics: Rafa Cézar
Edit: Filipe Zapelini
Colored: Sid Pires
Curator: Francis Bacon
Producer: Jacob Gottlieb
Soundtrack: Fantasia, 1940 and Zimbo Trio, 1964
Sound Design: Thiago Gautério


C.J Ahlgren
Fernando Branco
Francis Bacon
Gabriel Honzik
Guilherme Krolow
Jacob Gottlieb
Juliana Vargas
Lennon Vallinas
Licia Arosteguy
Marcello Akira
Mika Altskan
Rafa Cézar
Raul Carrasco
Ricardo Napoli
Rodrigo Pires
Santa Transmedia
Sommwhere Gallery


To optimize your experience,you can use headset and light free environment with fullscreen resolution.

Superposition is an experimental short film. “Superposition“ is actually the “quantum theory that describes a challenging concept about the nature and behavior of matter and forces at the sub-atomic level. The principle of superposition claims that while we do not know what the state of any object is, it is actually in all possible states simultaneously, as long as we don’t look to check. It is the measurement itself that causes the object to be limited to a single possibility”. In the film, the character desires to break that possibility, she experienced it infinitely but the chances of her breaking single possibility are equal to herself. Every time she is born, she becomes conscious all over again and she doesn’t even know who she is and what she has to do. She is part of the environment but she just doesn’t want to be. She lives in pure white and just wants to live in a little bit of grey. However, if you live in a world where the answers are obvious, a little bit of grey can change the whole picture. One day when you look for the place you last put your key, the universe might collapse until you find it.

MUSİC – Rafael Anton Irisarri – A Fragile Geography – Empire Systems