INFINITE WORLDS by philiplueck

compilation of all the loops created in 2017.
main focus was mainly learning and digging deeper into basic motion design principles and testing some weird abstract stuff in motion.

behance project:
all gifs in one place:

פרידה | | breakup by Shahaf Ram

אנימציה ובימוי – שחף רם
מילים וביצוע – אריק אבר
לחן ופסתר- אביב גדג‘
צ’לו – מאיה בלזיצמן
מיקס – נעם הלפר
מאסטרינג – רועי אביטל
הוקלט באולפני קיצ’ה בידי אורי ברק
תרגום לצרפתית – רוני אפרת
תרגום לאנגלית – אלינור קנטור
תודה מיוחדת לנגה גולן ומשפחת אבר

ניהול – „בדיבור“ מיכאל אבשלום
יח“צ – מורן פז תקשורת.

Directed & Animated by Shahaf Ram
Spoken word by Arik Eber
Composed by Aviv Guedj
Cello by Maya Belsitzman
Mixed by Noam Helfer
Mastered by Roy Avital
Recorded by Uri Barak
English translation by Eleanor Cantor
Special Thanks to Noga Golan and the Eber Family

WebHosting von Host Europe

THE COLLECTION by Adam Roffman

Two friends stumble upon a unique and valuable piece of motion picture history in Omaha, Nebraska.

World Premiered at the 2017 SXSW Film Festival and played 75 more film festivals after that including IFFBoston, Dallas Intl Film Festival, RiverRun Intl Film Festival, Sarasota Film Festival, Florida Film Festival, Chattanooga Film Festival, Fargo Film Festival, Phoenix Film Festival, Minneapolis-St.Paul Intl Film Festival, Julien Dubuque Intl Film Festival, Nashville Film Festival, Master of Art Film Festival, It’s All True Documentary Film Festival, Sunscreen Film Festival, Maryland Film Festival, Chicago Critics Film Festival, Sioux Empire Film Festival, Altan Khalis Film Festival, Berkshire Film Festival, San Francisco Documentary Festival, DeadCenter Film Festival, Lighthouse Intl Film Festival, Provincetown Intl Film Festival, Snake Alley Festival of Film, Indianapolis Film Festival, Lago Film Festival, Free Range Film Festival, Woods Hole Film Festival, San Antonio Film Festival, LA Shorts Intl Film Festival, Rhode Island Intl Film Festival, Sidewalk Film Festival, Doc Utah, Jerome Indie Film & Music Festival, Atlanta Docufest, Knoxville Film Festival, Newburyport Documentary Festival, Calgary Intl Film festival, Foot-candle Film Festival, Charlotte Film Festival, Crested Butte Film Festival, Edmonton Intl Film Festival, Chagrin Documentary Film Festival, Tacoma Film Festival, San Pedro Intl Film Festival, Buffalo Intl Film Festival, Tulsa American Film Festival, BendFilm Festival, New Hampshire Film Festival, International Short Film Festival of Cyprus, Flyway Film Festival, Sanford Intl Film Festival, Twin Cities Film Festival, Prairie Lights Film Festival, Film Columbia, Rivers Edge Film Festival, Kansas Intl Film Festival, St.Louis Intl Film Festival, St.Cloud Film Festival, Napa Valley Film Festival, Sulmona Intl Film Festival, Cucalorus Film Festival, Fairhope Film Festival, Alexandria Film Festival, London Intl Documentary Festival, Mirror Mountain Film Festival, Anchorage Intl Film Festival, Busan Intl Art Film Festival.

WINNER – BEST IN SHOW: West Virginia Mountaineer Film Festival
Twitter: @adamroffman
Instagram: @onsetadam

Producer/Director: Adam Roffman
Cinematographer/Editor: Nathaniel Hansen
Color Correction: Modulus Studios
Music: Stars Of The Lid, A. Taylor
Featuring: DJ Ginsberg, Marilyn Wagner


Produced in association with Texas Monthly
Editor: Tim Taliaferro
Senior Editor: JK Nickell

Director – Ben Steinbauer
Producer – Janice Woods
Executive Producer – Meredith Stephens
Director of Photography – Paul Pryor
Editor – Don Swaynos
Original Music – Curtis Heath
Production Manager – Katie Heim
Assistant Camera – Justin Revis, Louis Watt
Sound Mixer – Sonic Boom Audio
Gaffer – James Costello
Production Assistant – Naomi Pettin
Assistant Editor – Alex Bencomo
Audio Mix – Reid Mangan
Colorist – Nick Smith

Cecile on the Phone by Alldayeveryday Productions LLC

Cecile wants answers, but, actually, she doesn’t. After her ex-boyfriend’s return to New York triggers overwhelming feelings of doubt and confusion, she embarks on a series of telephone conversations, all of which ultimately only distract her from the one conversation she really needs to have.

*Sundance Film Festival 2017 Official Selection
*Palm Springs International ShortFest 2017 Official Selection

An Alldayeveryday Film
Written and Directed by Annabelle Dexter-Jones
Co-Writer Ellen Greenberg
Producer Andrew Runkle
Executive Producers Lucy Sumner, Derek Pitts & Francesca Campbell
Director of Photography Deering Regan
Production Designers Happy Massee & Cosi Theodoli-Braschi
Original Music Mark Ronson
Composers Brian DeGraw & Alexander Dexter-Jones
Editor Sophie Corra
Costume Designer Stevie Dance
Casting Director Jessica Daniels, CSA

Colorist Mikey Rossiter @ The Mill
Supervising Sound Editor & Mixer Ryan M. Price, MPSE
Titles Designer Adam Squires, CHIPS

Cecile – Annabelle Dexter-Jones
Jed – Noah LeGros
Jules – JD Sampson
Agnes – Colby Minifie
Donald – Brandon Micheal Hall
Dr. Saltzman – Art Garfunkel
Zoe – Tara Summers
Valentine – Joséphine de La Baume

My Turtle Dove by Jay Stephen & Ralph Briscoe

A patriotic film celebrating diversity and tolerance in modern day Britain. Our love letter.

Directing debut by Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen.

Directors: Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen
Director of Photography: Francis Lane
Music: TCTS
Words: Ashica Stephen
Narrator: Kyle Rowe
Starring: Eleanor Mukabi, Deepica Stephen,
Christian Gordine, Frank Kennington
Producers: Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen
Editors: Ralph Briscoe & Jay Stephen
Production Assistant: Tara Cantley
Sound Engineer: Adam Kaye
Post Production: Time Based Arts
Colourist: Myles Bevan
VFX supervisor: Mike Aveling
VFX Artists: Ralph Briscoe, Linda Cieniawska
Post Producer: Jo Gutteridge
Sponsors: 20.20, Time Based Arts

Read about the film:

How Russia Hacked America—And Why It Will Happen Again by The Atlantic

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Russian hackers attacked the U.S. on two fronts: the psychological and the technical. Hackers used classic propaganda techniques to influence American voters, bought thousands of social media ads to propagate fake news, and broke into Democratic party email servers to steal information.

And it won’t be the last time. Russian-backed psychological cyber warfare will only get better, and its methods more sophisticated.

Now That I’ve Found You by Peter Huang

Made as a companion piece to Martin Garrix’s 2015 music video, Now That I’ve Found You is a tone poem about a character’s journey through loneliness and finding growth in solitude. It looks at the positive nature of loss, and the independence and freedom that can come from having all expectations for the future torn apart.