Kategorie: videos
Clap! Clap! – ‚(P) Playfulness‘ Official Video (Black Acre) by BBBlaster
Playfulness is taken from the Simple EP available now on vinyl & digital: http://ift.tt/1IJAMzI
Directed and animated by Loup Blaster // http://ift.tt/RDKt5d
Additional animation by Taylor Price & Debora Cruchon
Black Acre Records 2015
New York International Children’s Film Festival – http://nyicff.org/
Toronto Kids International film festival – http://tiff.net/
Seattle International film festival – http://www.siff.net/
Birmingham Flatpack Film Festival – http://ift.tt/13evTYO
London International Animation Festival – http://www.liaf.org.uk
Cowboy Ben by Scott and Jon
Our multi awarding short film starring Shaun Dooley and Ramon Tikaram. Cowboy Ben is a jet black dark comedy that explores abandonment through the eyes of Ben a bitter and washed up adult man whose never be able to accept responsibility for his own mistakes.
Sima Kim – “If You Feel Like Me” (Official Video) by MELTMIRROR
music by Sima Kim
Taken from „You Won’t Find My Punchlines“ EP.
Igneous Skis by WZRD
In 1996, Mike Parris worked as a robotics engineer at Carnegie Melon. While he developed technology used on the Mars rover expeditions, his friends began building custom skis that would allow them to ride the terrain Jackson Hole had to offer. Mike pitched in with his mechanical expertise now and then to help design the equipment and process, ultimately leaving behind his career in robotics to create handcrafted skis that would forever leave a mark on the ski industry.
Igneous Skis was founded by Mike’s friend, Adam Sherman, and is now operated by Mike Parris in Jackson, WY where he customizes only 100 pairs of skis each season, carefully tailoring each pair entirely by hand.
A short film by WZRD
Galen Knowles
Executive Producer
Jason Maupin of NeverGroomed
Editor & Cinematographer
Galen Knowles
Additional Cinematography
Phil Hessler & Ian Avery-Leaf
Nikki Hessler
Craig Michael
Austin Federa
A Small Escape by David Sandell
Winner of best animation at Sveriges Kortfilmfestival (Sweden’s Short Film Festival) 2016.
A short film about a pair of scissors trying to escape a kitchen.
Sound and music by Oskar Vallinder.
The posters on the wall in the third room are made by Amanda Berglund and Erik Kirtley.
Swedish title: Den lilla flykten
Thanks for watching!
FLEX by Jordan Bahat
A young man wrestles with the devil in a modern day morality tale told through flexing.
Cast – Jamar „Soup“ Campbell | Nicholas „Slick“ Stewart
Director | Editor – Jordan Bahat
Writer | Cinematographer – Nicholas Bupp
Producer – Constanza Castro
Production Designer – Kelly Fallon
Composer – Johnathan Sadoff
Sound Design – Steve Bucino
Colorist – Brandon Chavez
This Is a Generic Presidential Campaign Ad, by Dissolve by Dissolve
Created entirely with stock footage from Dissolve, This Is a Generic Presidential Campaign Ad reunites the team behind This Is a Generic Brand Video.
As the 2016 presidential election cycle has progressed, dozens of candidates have released their campaign ads. And though there are a few differences from the left wing to the right, they have a lot in common. In fact, these predictable, formulaic approaches to video editing have drawn comparisons to our own all-purpose corporate promo, This Is a Generic Brand Video, written by Kendra Eash: http://ift.tt/23hua1m.
We didn’t think it fair that media commentators had to reference our corporate video — why not give them an actual generic campaign ad? So we asked Kendra to provide her wry, absurdist take on presidential promotion. The result is a blatantly pandering, verbally vacuous piece of political parody.
See and license the clips used at http://ift.tt/1MSqI9i.
Read more on our blog at http://bit.ly/presidentialplatitudes.
Voiceover by Bobby Butler.
Music: “Gateway (instrumental)” by Sleevenotes, http://bit.ly/slvntes, and “Storm Brewing” by Mark Petrie http://bit.ly/strmbrew, both licensed from Audiosocket.
To publish or broadcast this video, contact press@dissolve.com, or tweet us at @dissolve. Media outlet? Grab the media kit at http://bit.ly/gpcamediakit.
RUN and RUN / lyrical school 【MV for Smartphone】 by RUNandRUN_lyrisch
lyrical school is a hip hop idol group with 6 members
and made a major debut with „RUN and RUN“!!
Its MV is a virtical movie, which is unprecedented and groundbreaking
with taking full advantage of smartphone.
You might feel as if your smartphone is taken over and operated on its own!
lyrical school初主演映画「リリカルスクールの未知との遭遇」の主題歌でもあり待望のメジャー・デビュー・シングル「RUN and RUN」!映画は 5/28(土)よりシネマート新宿、6/18(土)よりシネマート心斎橋、6/25(土)より名古屋シネマスコーレにて劇場公開!
【リリカルスクールの未知との遭遇 公式サイトオープン】
【RUN and RUNスペシャルサイトオープン!!】
【Music Video Youtube Link】
2016.4.27. On Sale lyrical school/ RUN and RUN
KICM-91669|¥1,500+税 KING RECORDS ※メンバートレーディングカード封入
① RUN and RUN
② リリスクのうた
③ brand new day 2016
④ S.T.A.G.E 2016
⑥ リリスクのうた(INST)
●通 常 盤
KICM-1670 |¥1,000+税 KING RECORDS
① RUN and RUN
② リリスクのうた
【-RUN and RUN- lyrical school oneman live 2016】
日時:4月28日(木) 開場:18:45 開演:19:15 会場:CLUB CITTA‘
【lyrical school officila HP】
Plaitum | Jagwa by in/out
Before production the band stated, ‚Jagwa is about feeling trapped in an abusive relationship… feeling like you’re in a permanent and cyclical state of conflict.‘
We represent this breakdown through constant free falling human figures. Love quite literally falling apart. The echoes and iterations seek to reflect the destructive repetitions, loops and eddies that occur, in argument and process, when amidst the death throes of a relationship.
Performers: Sonya Cullingford & Jordan Kennedy
Director/Editor/VFX: in/out
Producer: Amy James
Exec. Producer: Natalie Arnett @ Riff Raff, Matthew Fone @ Riff Raff
Commissioner: Joceline Gabriel
Director of Photography: Marcus Domleo
Camera Assistant: Ahmet Husseyin
Rigger: Clayton Irwin
Gaffer: Barry Keegan
Spark: Scott Healy
Art Dept: Laurie Walters
Choreographers: Sonya Cullingford & Jordan Kennedy
DIT: Ben Mills
Hair & Make Up: Grace Gay
Runner: Luca Barton, Chuka Daniel
Colourist: Oisin O’Driscoll @ The Mill
Production Company: Riff Raff Films, Nursery of Evil
© 2016 Wolf Tone Limited, under exclusive license to Caroline International Ltd