Being Human With the Dog Photographer by Great Big Story

Welcome to Wegman’s Wild World of Weimaraners, where dogs bake cakes and lounge like royalty. Known to the world as the “dog photographer,” William Wegman has spent the past 45 years dressing and posing his canine muses in elaborate ensembles, finding whimsy in the absurd. His work is at measures droll and enchanting, evoking awe in audiences around the world. And, his pups have had their share of the limelight, making appearances on everything from “Saturday Night Live” and “Sesame Street,” to movies and galleries worldwide.

NEBULA by Marcin Nowrotek


NEBULA is an experiment that aims at finding the link between two trends that develop simultaneously in the history of film – Lumières concept of a movie as a record of reality and Méliés’s idea that uses the film as a tool for creation of imaginative worlds. NEBULA draws from both of these approaches and becomes a combination, collage, in which the recorded figurative picture is intermingled with abstract compositions being the graphic equivalent of music. The project using the volumetric filmmaking technique (RGB+D) is, on the one hand, the recording of an event (a meeting of musicians playing a jazz composition “Sleepwalker” by Maciej Obara) and, on the other, an attempt to obtain the visual experience of music by using the soundtrack of a recorded piece of music at the stage of post-production. The picture created as a result of the recording represents the “Lumières line” that aims at reflecting the reality in the most accurate way. Musical layer that has its sources also in the recording becomes a tool for creation of abstract visual compositions that does not bear traits of reality (Méliés’s line). These two approaches are combined into an audio visual form resembling a video clip.
The aim of this project, besides examining the links between record and creation based on non-figurative forms, is also the exploration of the new volumetric filmmaking technique (picture recorded by a Kinect sensor).


NEBULA to rodzaj eksperymentu, będącego próbą znalezienia punktu wspólnego między dwiema równolegle rozwijającymi się tendencjami w historii filmu – lumièrowską koncepcją filmu jako rejestracji rzeczywistości a mélièsowską filozofią wykorzystującą medium filmowe jako narzędzie do kreowania fantazyjnych światów. NEBULA czerpie z obu tych postaw i staje się swoistym połączeniem, kolażem, w którym zarejestrowany obraz figuratywny przeplata się z kompozycjami abstrakcyjnymi, które są graficznym ekwiwalentem muzyki. Projekt, wykorzystując technikę filmowania wolumetrycznego (RGB+D), jest z jednej strony rejestracją wydarzenia – spotkania muzyków grających jazzową kompozycję “Sleepwalker” autorstwa Macieja Obary, z drugiej zaś – poprzez użycie na etapie postprodukcji ścieżki dźwiękowej zarejestrowanego utworu – próbą uzyskania wizualnego doświadczenia muzyki. Obraz powstały w wyniku rejestracji reprezentuje „linię lumièreowską”, skupiającą się na jak najwierniejszym oddaniu rzeczywistości. Warstwa muzyczna (mająca swe źródła również w rejestracji) staje się natomiast narzędziem do tworzenia abstrakcyjnych kompozycji wizualnych, nienoszących znamion reprezentacji rzeczywistości (“linia mélièsowska”).
Obie te wartości połączone zostały w audiowizualną formę przypominającą teledysk.

Po za badaniem punktów stycznych rejestracji i kreacji, opartej na formach niefiguratywnych, celem projektu była również eksploracja nowego medium jakim jest technika filmowania wolumetrycznego, czyli obrazu zarejestrowanego na pomocą sensora Kinect.

TAGUA TAGUA by Douglas Bernardt

Every June is the same, the whole city smells like gun powder.

Cruz das Almas is locate in northern Brazil and it’s know for the traditional Guerra das Espadas „Fire Sword War“. Even though the dangerousness and strictly prohibition the manufacturing and knowledge to be a warrior still being passed from father to son.

This film is inspired by those who keep the legacy alive.

Short Music Video for „Tagua Tagua – Rastro de Pó“

L’orchestre D’hibernation Animaux – How Animals Hibernate by Popular Science

What if hibernating animals of different species formed an orchestra and performed a symphony about their winter’s sleep? Well, they did—sort of.

Because this is the science version of „Peter and the Wolf“… A flute playing wood frog who freezes. A bassoon blowing painted turtle who (ahem) breathes through its butt. A trumpet blasting common poorwill who falls asleep anywhere, anytime. A harp plucking mosquito who goes into a sci-fi suspended animation. A drum thumping black bear who stays fat all winter long. And, of course, a theremin tuning Antarctic cod who goes semi-comatose in the dark.

Ladies and gentlemen, „The Sleep Cycle“ by L’orchestre D’hibernation Animaux.

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Dolly Said No To Elvis (official music video) by Heather Colbert

Official Music video for Dolly Said No to Elvis by Mark Nevin. This is the true story of Dolly Parton refusing to part with her song ‚I will always love you‘ when Colonel Tom Parker wanted to take 50% of the royalties if Elvis recorded it! Luckily she later said yes to someone rather special…

The Ningyo (episode one) by miguel ortega

A 1911 Faustian tale about losing oneself in the process of achieving our goals. Told through the world of cryptozoology.

Episode One:-
Professor Marlowe finds a piece of a map pointing to the place where the Ningyo, a mythical Japanese creature, could be found. The legend claims whomever consumes its flesh will attain remarkable longevity. He presents the project to his peers, who mock and dismiss him as a fraud. He decides to risk everything and go after the Ningyo on his own in hopes to bring to light what could be one of the greatest contributions to science. What he could not anticipate is that, in his search, he is confronted with a choice that puts the very foundations of his morality to the test.

The Majority of this film was shot in our living room.
Watch the making of HERE:

As seen on VICE:

Created by: Miguel Ortega and Tran Ma
Directed by: Miguel Ortega
Production Design: Tran Ma
Representation: CAA
Management: Traverse Media
Copyright 2017 half M.T LLC all rights reserved.
Registered 2016/2017 wga

Bacchus by The Animation Workshop

Alex, a young woman, is increasingly getting tired of adult life. Her daily routine is restricted by norms and expectations of the modern world, and social media have replaced human interaction. One day, she sees Bacchus, a charismatic sensual figure, who lures her into a colorful world, which is a complete opposite of her reality. In this mysterious place, you are free to follow your instincts and explore your deepest desires.

BACCHUS was made by a team of 3rd year Character Animation & CG Art students at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College in Viborg, Denmark. Check out the individual students blogs (links below) to learn more about the talent behind the film and check out the project blog:

And the Facebook page:


Rikke Alma Krogshave Planeta – Director / CG Artist / Story / Editor

Kristina Sletting Jensen – Production Manager / Animator / Editor

Signe Kristine Cold – Art Director / Design / BG Painting / Compositing

Christina Helligsoee Brix – Technical Art Director / CG Artist


Amanda Jespersen Holm – Animation Lead / Story / Editor

Elise Tewedros – Pipeline Supervisor / CG Artist

Kristine Behrmann Larsen – Animator / Layout Artist

Linda Bjurhager – Animator / Story

Laurie Desfougères – Animator / Character Design

Akos Szurgent – CG Artist / Pre-Production Manager / Story

Christopher McLaughlin – Sound Designer

Emilie Søgaard – Sound Designer

Want to know more about The Animation Workshop/VIA University College?

LITTLE RATS by Jesse Heath

Premiered by Monster Children:

LITTLE RATS is a short film following ‘XXXX’ a South American graffiti writer, during his time traveling in Europe. ‘XXXX’ ruminates on the risks and rewards of his chosen lifestyle as we follow him underground on a tense mission to paint a metro.

Two weeks after making this film ‘XXXX’ was arrested and deported… The only free cheese is in a mousetrap.

Directed by: Jesse Heath & Theodor Guelat

Editor: Nick Rondeau @Arcade Edit

Original Score Composer: Marco Ferrario

Sound designer & Re-recording Mixer: Ben Freer @Eleven Sound

Colorist: Gregory Reese @The Mill