‚Pluto Time‘ Mosaic

‚Pluto Time‘ Mosaic NASA is unveiling mosaics of Pluto and its largest moon Charon, representing the global response to its popular “#PlutoTime” social media campaign. A photo of Clyde Tombaugh, the American who discovered Pluto in 1930, is embedded in this mosaic of hundreds of images shared during the campaign. via NASA http://ift.tt/1M4voC3
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Earth Art From Australia

Earth Art From Australia On Oct. 12-13, 2015, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shared a series of seventeen photographs taken from the International Space Station during a flyover of Australia. This first photo of the series was shared on Twitter with the caption, „#EarthArt in one pass over the #Australian continent. Picture 1 of 17. #YearInSpace“. via NASA http://ift.tt/1MyWHFc

Scott Kelly Becomes U.S. Astronaut to Spend the Most Time in Space

Scott Kelly Becomes U.S. Astronaut to Spend the Most Time in Space Just before the 15th anniversary of continuous human presence on the International Space Station on Nov. 2, 2015, U.S. astronaut and commander of the current Expedition 45 crew, Scott Kelly, is breaking spaceflight records. On Friday, Oct. 16, Kelly begins his 383rd day living in space, surpassing U.S. astronaut Mike Fincke’s record. via NASA http://ift.tt/1LxHgR7

Oct. 15, 1997, Launch of Cassini Spacecraft to Saturn

Oct. 15, 1997, Launch of Cassini Spacecraft to Saturn On Oct. 15 1997, a seven-year journey to the ringed planet Saturn began with the liftoff of a Titan IVB/Centaur carrying the Cassini orbiter and its attached Huygens probe. This spectacular streak shot was taken from Hangar AF on Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, with a solid rocket booster retrieval ship in the foreground. via NASA http://ift.tt/1RKoeYL

Morning Aurora From the Space Station

Morning Aurora From the Space Station NASA astronaut Scott Kelly captured this photograph from the International Space Station on Oct. 7, 2015. Sharing with his social media followers, Kelly wrote, „The daily morning dose of #aurora to help wake you up. #GoodMorning from @Space_Station! #YearInSpace“ via NASA http://ift.tt/1RxQzRU

Pluto’s Blue Sky

Pluto’s Blue Sky Pluto’s haze layer shows its blue color in this picture taken by the New Horizons Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC). The high-altitude haze is thought to be similar in nature to that seen at Saturn’s moon Titan. This image was generated by software that combines information from blue, red and near-infrared images. via NASA http://ift.tt/1Rw44Bz

All Along the Fractures

All Along the Fractures The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter often takes images of Martian sand dunes to study the mobile soils. These images provide information about erosion and movement of surface material, about wind and weather patterns, even about the soil grains and grain sizes. via NASA http://ift.tt/1Meslre

NASA Completes Successful Heat Shield Testing for Future Mars Exploration Vehicles

NASA Completes Successful Heat Shield Testing for Future Mars Exploration Vehicles As NASA missions to Mars progress with science and complex human exploration missions, spacecraft will require larger heat shields to protect against the extreme heat of entering a planet’s atmosphere and decelerating at a safe altitude in the thin Martian atmosphere. via NASA http://ift.tt/1FRPRxG