Space Station Flight Over Venice

Space Station Flight Over Venice Expedition 50 Flight Engineer Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency shared this photograph from the International Space Station on Feb. 14, 2017, writing, „Venice, city of gondoliers and the lovers they carry along the canals. Happy Valentine’s Day!“ via NASA

F for Fabulous

F for Fabulous When seen up close, the F ring of Saturn resolves into multiple dusty strands. This Cassini view shows three bright strands and a very faint fourth strand off to the right. via NASA

Jeanette A. Scissum, Scientist and Mathematician at NASA Marshall

Jeanette A. Scissum, Scientist and Mathematician at NASA Marshall Jeanette Scissum joined NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in 1964 after earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mathematics from Alabama A&M University. Scissum published a NASA report in 1967, “Survey of Solar Cycle Prediction Models,” which put forward techniques for improved forecasting of the sunspot cycle. via NASA

Antarctica’s Changing Larsen Ice Shelf

Antarctica’s Changing Larsen Ice Shelf The Larsen Ice Shelf is situated along the northeastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, one of the fastest-warming places on the planet. In the past three decades, two large sections of the ice shelf (Larsen A and B) collapsed. A third section (Larsen C) seems like it may be on a similar trajectory, with a new iceberg poised to break away soon. via NASA

Looking Back: Dr. George Carruthers and Apollo 16 Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph

Looking Back: Dr. George Carruthers and Apollo 16 Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph Dr. George Carruthers, right, and William Conway, a project manager at the Naval Research Institute, examine the gold-plated ultraviolet camera/spectrograph, the first moon-based observatory that Carruthers developed for the Apollo 16 mission. Apollo 16 astronauts placed the observatory on the moon in April 1972. via NASA

Lake Powell and Grand Staircase-Escalante

Lake Powell and Grand Staircase-Escalante This panorama, photographed by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station, shows nearly the full length of Lake Powell, the reservoir on the Colorado River in southern Utah and northern Arizona. Note that the ISS was north of the lake at the time, so in this view south is at the top left of the image. via NASA