simonamig posted on instagram

#Repost @nasa with @repostapp.
Our Hubble Space telescope found what looks like a cosmic, double-bladed lightsaber just in time for the release of #StarWars. This celestial lightsaber does not lie in a galaxy far, far away, but rather inside our home galaxy, the Milky Way.
In the center of the image, partially obscured by a dark, Jedi-like cloak of dust, a newborn star shoots twin jets out into space as a sort of birth announcement to the universe. This is inside a turbulent birthing ground for new stars known as the Orion B molecular cloud complex, located 1,350 light-years away.

Credit: NASA/ESA
#nasa #space #hubble #science #astronomy #telescope by simonamig

bonfireelectric posted on instagram

i work with incredible people (the giardinas) who love to bake. there was only one alien cookie and i copped it because i love extra-terrestrials. aliens rule. take me to your planettttt!!! #foodie #alien #xmas #gingerbread #seti #nasa #extraterrestrial #moment #capture #pov #thanksguys by bonfireelectric

lapmarketing posted on instagram

#Repost @bella_breezybri with @repostapp
Let it go, don’t be so scared
Find the love you lost again
Let the chaos disappear
Don’t you know I’m always here for you?
#devotion #elliegoulding #model #tbt #funnight #bri#love #art #passion #lapmarketing #lapartist #lapartists #worldwide #europa #usa #jamaica #nasa #maryland #dmv #dmvnetwork #potomac #germantownmd #silverspring by lapmarketing

lapmarketing posted on instagram

#Repost @djdonsmok3y with @repostapp
See you here next week in Germantown @latinangela @lapmarketing @theorchestrators #djdonsmok3y #traktor #love #art #passion #lapmarketing #lapartist #lapartists #worldwide #europa #usa #jamaica #nasa #maryland #dmv #dmvnetwork #potomac #germantownmd #silverspring #wheaton #rockvillemd #frederick #latinoamerica #goodvibes #commotion by lapmarketing