#contemporaryart #museum #conceptual #istampulart #modernart #contemporarysculpture #artabudhabi #contemporaryistambul #art #londonart #artnews #artmoscow #artparis #artdubai2015 #nasa #space #since #canvas #christies #sothebys #hongkong #moma #witnymuseum #britishmuseum #Rockefellercenter #museumofcontemporaryart #chanelart by turki_color
Autor: Karl Ranseier
turki_color posted on instagram
#contemporaryart #museum #conceptual #istampulart #modernart #contemporarysculpture #artabudhabi #contemporaryistambul #art #londonart #artnews #artmoscow #artparis #artdubai2015 #nasa #space #since #canvas #christies #sothebys #hongkong #moma #witnymuseum #britishmuseum #Rockefellercenter #museumofcontemporaryart #chanelart by turki_color
ri_03coo posted on instagram
#さあパーティーの始まりだ by ri_03coo
heysmokies posted on instagram
Spider is a busy webslinger.#HeySmokies #merrychristmas #greatsmokymountainsnationalpark #natgeo #nasa #naturegram #nature #sevierville #pigeonforge #rolltide #gatlinburg #friendsofthesmokies #santa #asheville #brysoncitync #fontanavillage #spiderman #hiking #backpacking #rei #happy #newyearseve #lordoftherings #love by heysmokies
turki_color posted on instagram
#contemporaryart #museum #conceptual #istampulart #modernart #contemporarysculpture #artabudhabi #contemporaryistambul #art #londonart #artnews #artmoscow #artparis #artdubai2015 #nasa #space #since #canvas #christies #sothebys #hongkong #moma #witnymuseum #britishmuseum #Rockefellercenter #museumofcontemporaryart #chanelart by turki_color
NASA Releases New High-Resolution Earthrise Image

uranioimpoveritx posted on instagram
de uorld is a biutifol pleis
devo andare al corso di fumetto gia
capitan fumetti idioti torna al suo pianeta d’origine
#kawaiiboy #kawaii #cute #cuteboy #smol #smolboy #asexual #agender #aliensarereal #alien #nasa #spaceship #pinklizard by uranioimpoveritx
afdrvsky posted on instagram
Самая гламурная ракета, которую я видел. #moscow #russia #today #rocket #nasa #stars #space #glamour #colour #москва #россия #ракета #космос #звезды #гламур #цвета #роскосмос #ркс by afdrvsky
rakeshmeena555 posted on instagram
In this image Galaxy 1068 is shown in visible light and X-rays in this composite image. High-energy X-rays captured by NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, are overlaid on visible-light images from both NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The X-ray light is coming from an active supermassive black hole, also known as a quasar, in the center of the galaxy. This supermassive black hole has been extensively studied due to its relatively close proximity to our galaxy. NGC 1068 is about 47 million light-years away in the constellation Cetus.
The supermassive black hole is also one of the most obscured known, blanketed by thick clouds of gas and dust. NuSTAR’s high-energy X-ray view is the first to penetrate the walls of this black hole’s hidden lair.
#nasa #nustar #astronomy#space #universe #roscosmos #blackhole
#galaxy #xray #milkyway #planets #star #astronaut # by rakeshmeena555
celestial_swag posted on instagram
Another awesome supernova by celestial_swag