Ähnliche Beiträge
Rock Band by Neil Mendoza
The rock band is composed of electromechanical instruments that make music with rocks by throwing them through the air, slapping them and making them vibrate. The song that they're playing, Here Comes the Sun, is biographical, describing the daily experience of a rock sitting on the ground. The rock band…
17. März 2017
In "videos"
Two transient young men breaks into an empty church by the sea to form a blood pact: to get rid of their childhood demons and escape the cycle of anxiety and authorities. “It’s not really goth to be afraid of darkness”, they agrees. SHORT DOCUMENTARY CAST: DAMIEN TWIDE & KITI…
29. September 2017
In "videos"
Hope Technology: Old Man Winter by hopetech
Filmed by Sam Needham and Will Evans Featuring Nico Vink, Makken and Vinny T
5. April 2018
In "videos"