‚Goodbye, Old Glory‘ is a vérité-style short documentary capturing the protests surrounding the controversial municipal removal of the Jefferson Davis Confederate monument in New Orleans, Louisiana. Shot entirely at night, this film is equal parts entertaining, thought provoking, and downright disturbing. The film objectively balances on-the-fly interviews from both the Confederate protesters and ANTIFA counter-protestors in order to demonstrate the cataclysmic political divide happening across American society today.

Directed & Produced by Jordan Haro

Edited by James Crouch

Cinematography by Jordan Haro, Paavo Hanninen

Associate Producers: Sarah Ravits, Jacky Lee Morgan

Sound Mix by Korey Pereira @ Soularity Sound

Color: Bruce Goodman

Assistant Editors: Molly Much, Ryan Medeiros

Music Provided by Rose McGowan & Killer Tracks

Special Thanks – Dan Carr, Andrew Shapter, Brandon Kapelow, Everyone Who Gave Notes – You Know Who You Are!

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