VIENNA by Kris Hofmann

An animated loveletter to what I believe to be the most beautiful city in Europe !

Although I’m originally from Vienna, I left when I was 19 and have been living in London for the last 12 years … it always feels like I’m cheating on a really beautiful wife.

directed and animated by Kris Hofmann & Vera Kumer
produced by Geraldine Passmore

Music Supervision: Tin Drum Music
featured song ‚Rugla‘ by Amiina
Sound Design: Alex Zlamal

Edit: Giorgio Gremigni
Grade: Filippo Maria

with hats by
Mühlbauer Hutmanufaktur
Marion’s Hutatelier
Jessica Lopez @ Verhutung
Julia Cranz
Alexandre Collon

with support from Kultur Niederösterreich, WKO Wien, Wiener Modemacher und

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