geekwrapped posted on instagram

#Repost @science
Located in Sagittarius, the Trifid Nebula is very unique mix of three different kinds of nebulae (emission, reflection, and dark), as well as an open cluster of stars. The Trifid Nebula contains a gas and dust cloud filled with a whole mess of embryonic stars, but its center star, HD 164492A, has a mass that’s twenty times more than the mass of our sun. Even though it is located about 5,000 light-years away, this nebula can actually be seen with a small telescope. On a moonless summer night, face south, find the teapot star pattern in the constellation Sagittarius, and use the three stars that make up the spout to guide you north. Once you spot the Lagoon Nebula, move up about two degrees and you’ll be able to see the Trifid Nebula in all its glory. Photo cred: Adam Block, Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, U. Arizona #science #space #astronomy #nasa #stargazing by geekwrapped

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