#太空天梯 #共濟會 #阿波羅計劃 #美國太空總署 #美國登月 #陰謀論 #登月 #freemason #NASA
http://ift.tt/1YTi3J9 by globalnewsvision
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5. Januar 2016
In "nasa"
#Repost @nasa with @repostapp. ・・・ Our Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter recently captured a unique view of Earth from the spacecraft's vantage point in orbit around the moon. Seen in this composite image, we see Earth appear to rise over the lunar horizon from the viewpoint of the spacecraft, with the center…
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In "nasa"
- 远处那颗小小的蓝蓝的就是地球
20. Dezember 2015
In "nasa"