Taxfree by Henry K. Norvalls

A young woman in search of a better life utilizes a Norwegian market ready to sell her goods.

Taxfree is a portrayal of the hidden human trafficking which is current in the outskirts of the big cities, showing how a woman entering prostitution is being transformed from a human being into a commodity.

Selome Emnetu
Anders Dahlberg
Terje Hartviksen
Turid Rivertz Vatne

Director: Henry K. Norvalls
Screenwriters: Line Dalheim & Henry K. Norvalls
Producer: Petter Onstad Løkke

Director of Photography: Åsmund Hasli
Editor: Thomas Grotmol
Decoration, costume and makeup: Sandra Krogh Rodum
Sound editors: Inger Elise Holm & Linda Torp
Colorist: Raymond Gangstad

FOLKEFIENDER (production company):

WebHosting von Host Europe

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