Porzellan / Porcelain – Joe Madog // Cité NOIR by Cité Noir

music by Joe Madog & The Trommelfellas
visuals by CitéNOIR

This animation film is a visualization of a song by Joe Madog, called „porcelain“. It deals with the theme of ephemerality and longing. It’s about the fragile things we hold precious, trying to hold on to, but who will inevitably fade away, vanish or break like porcelain.
The animation was pencilled on paper on a lighttable and then inked with brush and a light black ink and some gray inkwash,
then arranged in a videosequencer frame by frame.

Festival screenings (so far):
VOID – International Animation Film Festival, Coppenhagen / Denmark / 2.2.2017
ITFS – Internationales Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart, Stuttgart / Germany / 4.5.2017
Brititsh Animation Film Festival, London / UK / 8.7 2017
Odense International Film Festival, Odense / Denmark / 30.8.2017


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