Rebuilding in Miniature by Veena Rao

Ali Alamedy, an Iraqi artist living in Turkey after being forced to leave his country, creates detailed dioramas of places he has read about but has never been.

Part of Season 6 of the New York Times Op-Docs series. Read the story here:

Director/Producer/Editor: Veena Rao
Featuring: Ali Alamedy
Camera: Veena Rao
Composer: Eliot Krimsky
Colorist: Begonia Colomar
Sound Mix: Pete Karam
Archival Stills: Ali Alamedy
Translation: Isra Abdulhadi

Additional Support: New York Council for the Arts (NYSCA)

Special Thanks:
The Alamedy Family
Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective
Esra Saydam
Guillermo Sanchez
Maryam Hussain
Mohamed Abdelfattah

Executive Producer: Kathleen Lingo
Coordinating Producer: Lindsday Crouse
Supervising Editor: Andrew Blackwell

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