An aspiring actress moves to Los Angeles to pursue her dream, and finds herself orbiting the periphery of show business, while everyday life muddies what exactly her path might be. Ana Coto, star of horror blockbuster OUIJA, leads Sebastian Pardo’s narrative short film.
Sebastian Pardo
Riel Roch-Decter
Sebastian Pardo
Ana Coto
Director of Photography:
Drew Bienemann
Brian McOmber
Additional Photography:
Lowell A. Meyer
Production Assistant:
Leah Younesi
Production Sound:
Emett Casey
Douglas Beatty
Anthony Ens
Aaron Beckum
Cast In Order of Appearance:
Ana Coto
Jake Nordwind
Cassandra Larson
Drew Bienemann
Daniel Kaufman
Brandon Winters
Douglas Beatty
Benjamin Davis Collins
Hayley Magnus
Ellie Jamieson
Carrie Barton
David Black
Clark Baker
Mandy Beckner
Elise Eberle
Post Sound:
Tim Korn
Colin Kohler
The Lodge At FotoKem
DI Colorist:
Alastor Pan Arnold
FotoKem Color Producer:
Angelique Perez
Special Thanks:
What Matters Most
Omid Fatemi
The Directors Bureau
Colin Trenbeath