Awake by Zach.Rogers

„Awake“ has been a passion project of mine since 2013.

I could write a novel outlining my experiences while shooting this film but I won’t subject everyone to that. So to keep it „short“, these have been some of the best, worst and most important parts of my life for the last four years. I’ve made lifelong friendships, seen more than I ever thought existed and have had more bad luck than I knew was possible. I’m not the same person I was when I left Michigan (I’m three years older than that person actually)

Music: If Stars Could Speak – Alexandr Fullin

Want some stats? Everyone likes stats.

„Awake“ is comprised of 6,870 photographs which were selected out of roughly 50,000 photographs from two main cameras of which one is now on its deathbed. RIP

Software Used:
Adobe Creative Cloud
Davinci Resolve

Shot with:
Canon 7D, Sony A6300, and a few shots from the Canon 5d mrk III and Canon 6D
Tokina 11-16mm, Sigma 30mm, Sigma 85mm, Canon 16-35mm

Dynamic Perception motion control equipment

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