When Day is Done by Lefty

A sojourn into the memories of a life shared, this film is a portrait of my grandmother’s recollection of my late grandfather, from the inception of their relationship to his passing from dementia. Narrated through the voice of Noreen Williamson, widow of Dean Williamson, this film is a reflection of the brevity of existence, and the irreplaceable joy of companionship.


Narrated by
Noreen Williamson

Direction, Cinematography, and Editing by
Brandon Roots

8mm Footage by
Dean & Noreen Williamson

Music by
Bryan Senti

Sound Design by
Arjun G Sheth

Produced by
Brandon Roots & Matthew Ahl

Special Thanks to
Noreen Williamson
Dennis Williamson
Rosalind Prizler
Felix Thompson
Our friends and family

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