Every year, the city of Odessa, Texas, is witness to a strange phenomenon: cars that fly.
A New York Times Op Doc – http://nyti.ms/2b8uVqO
Directed by | Ben Steinbauer
Produced by | Katie Stoller, Corbett Jones & Adam Schwitters
Associate produced by | Berndt Mader & Anna Rau
Director of Photography | Corbett Jones
Editor | Ben Ellis (http://ift.tt/2bc9nfB)
Assistant Editor | Brandon Brown
Original Music | Malcolm Elijah (http://ift.tt/2becrSO)
Sound Recording | Royce Sharp
Sound Mix | Chris Keyland (www.keylandsound.com)
Sound Editor | Bradley Murphy
Color Correction | Nick Smith (http://ift.tt/2bc98kK)
Title Design | Josh Stolz (www.joshstolz.com)
Poster Design | Cody Ackors (www.codyackors.com)
Production Stills | Abigail Enright (http://ift.tt/2bechei)
Production Assistance | Brittany Nelson
Thank You:
Emily Antonetti-Elford
Bajito Auto Works
Nick Hernandez Sr.
Joe Medina
Stewart Parker
Wild Bill
MPS Austin
Beast Editorial
The New York Times and The Op-Doc Team
Produced as a collaboration between The Bear & The Range