SHABAZZ PALACES – Dawn In Luxor by Stephan Gray

Please listen with headphones on, volume up

Sub Pop

Directed by Stephan Gray
Produced by Zack Tupper
VFX by Traver Hoar, David Godwin, Joe Garber
Colored by Joel Voelker
Shot/Edited by Stephan Gray
Label: Sub Pop Records

Images and Video courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center

Additional images provided by NASA from the Hubble & Cassini missions. Please go visit these galleries!

Go check out ALL of NASA’s image galleries. It’s incredible content.

In case those wondering out there, there are slight variations in this version because of last minute decisions I made. Sub Pop and Shabazz both approved this cut, I just didn’t get it to them in time.

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